
Outside the Comfort Zone

***The videos on the linked webpage seem to be down. I will check into what happened and see about providing a new link to the performance I describe here.***

Recently, I worked on a project with Pernilla, Isabella Harritz Sorensen, and Patricio Soto in which we created a video of an improvised performance. It’s called “A Series of Conversations,” and ours is “Conversation 1.” I had never done anything like this before! It was invigorating, challenging — a bit terrifying — but also just plain fun. I am hoping we can do this again sometime, perhaps even live.

Ahead of time, Pernilla and I discussed a general outline of tonal areas we’d be covering, as well as a general structure to the piece. We also did a few takes with Isabella so she could get an idea of what kind of things we’d be playing and coordinate her movements with us. We were in good hands with Patricio, who had many creative ideas about how best to capture what we were doing on film. (Patricio is the one who did the photos of me for this website.)